
While the larger participation in ICVR2015 mirrors the growth of our field, it continues to increase the demands on the international Program Committee for reviews. All paper and poster submissions received two reviews and, in some cases, were re-reviewed following revision. We are extremely grateful to the reviewers for the effort they made to ensure a timely processing of all submissions.

ICVR2015 Paper and Poster Reviewers

Philippe Archambault Rich Lauer
Sergi Berm̼dez i Badia Yocheved Laufer
Grigore Burdea Danielle Levac
Yiyu CAI Mindy F. Levin
Sue Cobb Dario G. Liebermann
Rosa Costa Roberto Llorens
Judith E. Deutsch Lars Lünenburger
Ruth Dickstein Suzanne McDonough
Ayelet Dunsky Anat Mirelman
William Durfee Francesca Morganti
Assaf Dvorkin Heinrich Mueller
Orit Elion Luciana Nedel
Kynan Eng Fátima Nunes
Debbie Espy Jose Eduardo Pompeu
Uri Feintuch Wendy Powell
Yoram Feldman Pawel Pyk
Gerry Fluet Debbie Rand
Emily Fox Darcy Reisman
Joyce Fung Chris Rhea
Rosemary Gallagher Albert A. “Skip” Rizzo
Jos̩e-Antonio Gil-Gomez Martin Rydmark
Dido Green Monica S. Cameiṛao
Phyllis Guarrera-Bowlby Samir Sangani
Beatrice Hasler Maria Schultheis
Lisa Holper Paul Sharkey
Michal Kafri Mark Sivak
Emily A. Keshner Sandeep Subramanian
Sharon Kirshner Heidi Sugarman
Rachel Kizony Heidi Sveistrup
Evelyne Klinger Camila Torriani-Pasin
Sebastian Koenig Patrice L. (Tamar) Weiss
Tal Krasovsky Peter Wilson
Orly Lahav W. Geoffrey Wright
Belinda Lange Sharon Zlotnik

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