Dear ICVR 2021 Registrant,
ICVR 2021 starts July 14th!!
Now that you have registered, we wish to share some important information it is important that you don’t forget the email address you registered under. To gain access to our conference web portal you will need to enter the email address you registered under, and then a One-Time Pin will be sent to that same email each time you want to enter the conference portal. Depending on whether you logged out or shut your computer down, you may need to log back in and use a new One-Time Pin. Please be advised, each registration can only be used by the person who registered and is non-transferable.
Please be advised, all the presentations will be presented in Zoom. Once inside the web-based conference portal, you will be able to access all presentations with one-click. It will make things easier if you have checked in advance to see if you can access Zoom (even a using a FREE account works) on the computer or smartphone that you will be using to attend the virtual conference. Here are some step-by-step instructions for getting into the conference portal:
- First, make sure you registered in EventBrite and paid for your ticket. This can be done at, which has the link to EventBrite.
- Once registered, there are two ways to get to the conference log-in screen and gain access. Both ways will require you to log in using the email address you registered under, since a One-Time Pin is immediately sent your email will then need to be entered.
- Go to the ICVR 2021 website ( and click the banner “ICVR 2021 Access – Click Here”
- The other way is use this address:, which will send you straight to the log-in page.
- Once you are in the conference portal you will be able to navigate throughout the entire portal. The portal will give you one-click access to the following:
- An easy pull-down menu in the upper-right hand corner of the Conference Portal labeled “Sessions” will quickly take you to whichever part of the portal you wish to navigate to with a single click. There is also a “Search” field right next to it, where you can enter a name or term to quickly find all instances of that and then navigate to it with a click.
- By scrolling up and down in the portal, you can see when and who is speaking next, you can click on the presenter “card”. This will give you access to…
- information about the presenter.
- an abstract about their talk, by clicking the “PDF” icon up in the right hand corner of the card.
- the presenter’s 1-minute overview video, by clicking the Video icon also up in the right hand corner of the card, or clicking the “Preview” button. Both do the same function.
- the “Join” button, which automatically takes you to the Zoom room when it is in session.
- Access to the Help Desk, which will connect you with a volunteer, who can answer your questions about the conference.
- Access to which will open a parallel and synchronous discussion thread for all talks, posters, and for networking. You need only set up a free Discord account by following the attached Discord Set-up Instructions (Trust me, it only takes a minute to set up even if you are a technophobe, and costs nothing!).
Other important information that will help you prepare for the conference. Starting late on Sunday July 11th you will be able to access the conference portal if you have registered. Feel free to log onto the conference portal following the instructions above and get used to the easy-to-use web interface. Please note, that clicking into the Zoom rooms with the “Join” button, will lead to an empty room until the day of the conference.
If you have any questions at all, please don’t hesitate to reach out to any one of us (contact info below) or
See you next week… virtually!
ICVR 2021 Co-Hosts and Program chair
Geoff Wright (
Anouk Lamontagne (
Gerry Fluet (